Sunday, May 25

Late night

hey guys, I just finished some new things a mini and a layout.Here's some pictures.About my weekend it's been pretty great.Did i tell you my dad suprised me?????Well, he did.Sooo my dad took me to Sonic and after we ordered he drove to my high school, we were just sitting there talking and all of a sudden he said"go drive".Of course me i was freaking out , i thought it was some type of joke,but it was serious and he let me drive around the parking lot until 4 little kids and thier model airplane came and crashed the party.Other than that I had a ball!Second my mom and i went and bought my prom dress it's very nice, i can't wait to wear it.I wish That the school year didn't end so fast,Dont get me wrong i love summer.but,i wont be seeing alot of my friends next year.The only good thing about summer is my birthday, and vacation.I cant wait for my party , i will have nother reunion with my friends. Of course i've had a skating party the last what?? 9 years but ya know what i like it!Well off to bed for me bye!!